
Feng Shui and Interior Design- Harmony At Home

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese method of bringing harmony in the man-made environment and the calculation of space and time. It is a scientific approach towards establishing peace and harmony and incorporates astronomy, physics, geography, the environment and magnetic fields. Literally meaning 'wind' and 'water', Feng Shui reinforces the belief that the environment is an integral part of the art of living. It uses mathematical figures to calculate the most favorable place to reside and work. It has proved to be an interesting art of reining in heaven and earth in order to promote good health, happiness and good fortune with the aid of natural vibrations, tides and the changing seasons to align everything in the environment. Qi, is an important aspect of Feng Shui and is a vital force that flows in our body, and in the world around us. It helps to rectify all the negatives that emanate from the adverse interplay of natural forces like weather, time and space, and the ensuing imbalance. In the olden days Feng Shui experts devised formulae to correct the imbalance by combining Qi, the Yin and Yang concepts and the five elements of earth, metal, fire, wood and water. Feng Shui guides individuals to place objects and construct buildings in a manner that synchronizes with Qi, the flow of energy. According to popular Chinese belief, the area that has a thick concentration of Qi, is rich in luck as well, and will bring good health, wealth and happiness, and is therefore the most favorable spot for construction.Often, it has been found that buildings and homes appear dull and lack of activity reveals slack business. Hiring the services of a knowledgeable Feng Shui expert can help in finding the cause of this lackadaisical phase, and corrective measures can transform angry bird the home in to a happy abode and a business into a flourishing success. These measures could include changing the direction of the main entrance door, setting up a water fountain and placing mirrors etc. The end result, it has always been found, is favorable. Thus Feng Shui experts use ways to detect the flow of Qi, and place objects and other elements of interiors in a manner that will trigger cosmic and visual harmony.The perfectly harmonious home and office can be modeled by an interior designer working in close association with a Feng Shui rc flying fish expert. Designers use tools like colors, textures, patterns, light and fixtures to give the look of style and finesse. But it is the Feng Shui expert who can guide him about the favorable impact of certain colors, the coordination of textures rather than conflicting ones, placement of furniture in favorable directions rc flying fish so as to not obstruct the free flow of positive energy, and thus ensure coordination and synchronization of the five elements of Feng Shui to bring peace, health and happiness.

